Welcome to the web home of the
Birmingham Amateur Radio Club
Birmingham, Alabama.

(For information on the Shelby County Amateur Radio Club, go here.)

If you're not meeting with us in person, you're invited to do so virtually via the ZOOM platform. The information necessary for joining the meeting the first and third Thursdays of each month is:

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 958 8242 7732
Password: 3gUUH6

Updates will be posted here and on the
Club's Facebook page.

Interested in becomming a ham or learning more about one of the world's great hobbies?
Why not join us? » Read More

Next License Exam

BARC is affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). Joining ARRL is good for Amateur Radio.

Why not consider joining today?

Why not join us on Facebook?
Share your thoughts and good ideas,
and catch up on the latest news which may not have made it to our website.
See ya there!

    Search the FCC database!

    QRZ Callsign Search 

Amateur Radio is a contact sport. Get on the air and make one!

BARC sponsors several Amateur Radio Nets, including:

Tuesday Night, 146.88 MHz, 9PM local (PL 88.5)
Tuesday Night, K4DSO D-Star 8:30 PM local
Sunday Night Net, 146.88 MHz, 7PM local (PL 88.5)

» BARC Emergency Net Preamble.

» More detailed Net listing here.

Contact BARC by email or conventional mail @

Birmingham Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 603
Birmingham, Alabama 35201

    Mobile, AL Hamfest April 22
    Atlanta, GA Hamfest June 3

    » Our newsletter, The BirmingHAM, and other news of interest to area Amateurs, is distributed by email.
    If you're not already on our mailing list but would like to be, please request a subscription here.